Create out Loud #4 Tom Loois

Create out Loud #4 Tom Loois

curator of the Embassy of Intimacy

Designer and Design Academy Alumnus Tom Loois believes in the importance of human interaction and in designing connections between people, objects and spaces. The closer he can bring people together the better, though not necessarily in a physical way. He achieves this by looking for common denominators that we have forgotten, overlooked or turned into a taboo. Loois employs vulnerability, candour and wonder to turn stereotypes and worn-down patterns back into a dynamic whole where everyone can move around freely. Following his contribution last year as initiator and curator of For Play, a MU exhibition on sex and design, he is now co-curating the Embassy of Intimacy together with MU’s Angelique Spaninks, a show that is part of the first World Design Event (WDE). It promises to be an evening full of intimacies, but surely not just for intimate friends.

Create Out Loud will be presented by Isolde Hallensleben and recorded on audio only.

Where MU
Language English spoken
When 25 Oct. 18.00 sharp
Aftertalk & drinks till 20.00

Free entrance

Create Out Loud is a collaboration with Dutch Design Week.