MU&more agenda

MU&more agenda


Thursday, February 10
From 20:00

Digital Arts platform and festival Playgrounds, mixed media film producer Postal Panic and the componist Bram Meindersma, all like to work with Fons Schiedon. And Fons with them. Why and how? They will tell you this evening. And of course they will show a lot of examples.


Thursday, February 24
From 20:00
HeyNiek presents EFFE, Eindhoven Fashion Film Experiment, where we take a closer look on the influence of experimental videoart and fashion films.. Especially in music videos and Hollywood movies, these influences are clearly present. The creators were inspired by what is happening in the progressive fashionworld.
On a catwalk-like way we surprise the audience with the visual violence of video clips, fashion films and experimental video and we show how these films overlap.


Thursday, March 3
From 20:00
The Great Abnerio, the alter-ego of artist Abner Preis, is the "strong man" in his own traveling circus. In it he tells about his adventures as a superhero, as a fighter pilot in the Iranian army and the friendly Squiglies he met on a deserted island and took with him on a self-built ark. After a glorious exhibit at Basel Miami, he starts his Dutch tour at Showroom Mama in Rotterdam. And everywhere he invites the audience to crawl under his skin. The only thing you need is a mustache and your imagination.


Thursday, March 10
From 20:00

UNLIKE U - Trainwriting in Berlin is not a normal Graffiti Video, in which action after action and train after train get shown, rather the Video is a sympathetic portrait of a scene which has never been shown like this before. This film writes the fascinating story of a culture, which usually aims to exist undercover, but exhibits all the characteristics of an art historical movement with all its spacial and periodic developments.