Body of Matter
Body based bio art & design
Expo info
On show
27 November 2015 - half of February 2016 (tba)
27 November
07 February 2016
Body of Matter presents the work of ten artists that advance our ideas about the body. They explore its materiality, stimulation, quantification using technology, integration with alien matter, and, finally, its obsolescence by simulation. The artists here expand our collective knowledge of the body both by creating sensorial experiences for visitors and tapping into the hugely expanded science of the body through fields such as Microbiology, Neuroscience, Genomics, and tissue culturing.
These and other areas of study now make it possible to enhance, protect, monitor, stimulate, and replicate functions of the body and behavior of human cells as never before. Such abilities pry open doors of possibility for creative expression and prompt artists to materialize how these changes transform our long-held notions of identity and imagine the future they foretell.
The variety of media employed in the finished works includes theater performance, video, artificial intelligence, drones, cancerous cells, gut bacteria and pig hearts.
Among the participants are the three winners of the Bio Art and Design Award for 2015: Isaac Monté with The Art of Deception, Agi Haines with Drones with Desires & Emma Dorothy Conley with MSA: Microbiome Security Agency. Sponsored by ZonMw and NWO, which grants 25.000 euros to each artist to work closely with a Dutch research institution and produce new work over the course of the year.?
Participating artists are Maarten Vanden Eynde, Charlotte Jarvis, Floris Kaayk, Orion Maxted, Kirstin Neidlinger, Špela Petric and Hongjie Yang.
Where MU
When 27 November - 7 February 2016
Opening 27 November at 20.00
21.00 Interview BAD Award 2015 winners
21:30 Special performance Human Simulation by Orion Maxted
Partners: ZonMw, TU Eindhoven, Waag Society, NWO & Bio Art Laboratories