The complex experience of time and timelessness, lack of time and eternal value is at the heart of TIMELESSTIME by MAISON the FAUX. Do we lose or gain time with the passing of the years? Is mortality on our heels or do we just think it is? Does physical deterioration only make us vulnerable and fearful of death or is it the driving force to create, to philosophize, to believe, to destroy.... ?

MAISON the FAUX explores these questions with the meandering installation TIMELESSTIME in which performers make scenes come to life at set intervals. As in a story ride, without beginning or end, the audience is drawn into a timeless cycle of creation and decay. Experience how time affects the essence of making and that which is made. Everything changes with the ticking of time, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, while matter and maker themselves unmistakably change with it.

MAISON the FAUX are Tessa de Boer and Joris Suk +++ Performances by Arno VerbruggenJordan Achiano and Nora Monsecour +++ Choreography by Tatiana Matveeva +++ Sound design by A. Crespo Barba +++ Art objects by Esmay Wagemans and Dae Uk Kim.

Performances on friday between 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm on:

sept 22, sept 29, 

oct 6, oct 13, 

nov 3, nov 17, nov 24 

During the DDW23 performances will be from 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm on; 

sat 21, sun 22, wed 25, thu 26, fri 27, sat 28, sun 29 oct


Stimuleringsfonds creatieve industrie


BNG Cultuurfonds

Norma Fonds

For the most up-to-date information of TIMELESSTIME, you can check mu.nl or our socials.

MU is supported by 
Ministerie van OCW
Stichting Cultuur Eindhoven
Provincie Noord-Brabant
Fonds 21 Extra

Photo invite by Romy Treebusch