SOLD OUT Brad Downey

SOLD OUT Brad Downey

Slapstick Formalism: Process, Project, Object

€ 39.90

Brad Downey is a Berlin-based, Kentucky-born artist, notorious for his subversive pranks and minimalist interventions in public space. Downey has used the streets as his studio for years. Ash trays, lampposts, flower pots, phone booths, trash bins, demarcation lines – anything can become a work of art overnight if you look past its fixed, inevitable function. All across the globe Downey has made inspiring artworks. Slapstick Formalism presents the first full assessment of these works: sculptures, architecture, performances, installations, films, drawings, collages, and activism, each having found its inspiration in the objects and activities of daily life.

The book was conceived in close collaboration with the artist, edited by Lukas Feireiss, designed by Matthias Hübner and published by Possible Books and Dokument Press. The book contains texts by Jimmie Durham, Hrag Vartanian, Alain Bieber, Rafael Schacter, Matthew Murphy, Angelique Spaninks, Jennifer Thatcher, Marc Wellmann and Ed Zipco.

Release: September 2018 | Language: English  | Size: 24 x 32cm | Print: 432 pages full color offset | Cover: softcover 

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