re-c(O)unting (2023)
re-c(O)unting (2023)
re-c(O)unting (2023)
BAD Award winner
ella hebendanz, pamela varela & Joris Koene
re-c(O)unting is an artistic-scientific research questioning how we can transform the production of knowledge; it is an empowering journey from the transgenerational trauma our lands and bodies store. Deconstructing the binarisms between nature-technology, science-spirituality, male-female, we zoom out and into the colonial history between Europe and Latin America and link it to the colonial approach medicine has had on female-assigned bodies. By self-exploring our bodies as an act of reappropriation, we create an essay film that visualizes our research and is also embodied by a fierce live performance, both existing within an installation that alludes to an anatomical theater. We delve into our deepest insides to reveal the magick of science and retell the stories.