Neighbourhood Satellites Energy Harvests

Neighbourhood Satellites Energy Harvests

Workshop: Neighbourhood Satellites Energy Harvests


27 november 2012, 12:00 - 16:30
Locatie: MU, Emmasingel 20, Eindhoven

Engels gesproken


Meer informatie


Baltan Laboratories en Holst Centre organiseren een opmerkelijke Art Science workshop: Neighbourhood Satellites Energy Harvests.

Led by Myriel Milicevic and Hanspeter Kadel (DE)


In everyday city living, we are surrounded by waste products from our urban infrastructures – heat waste from air conditioners, light pollution emitted from shop windows, vibration caused by heavy traffic and the loud wails of sirens. But these structural leakages are, in essence, a multitude of free power outlets for anyone wishing to collect them, because light, noise, vibration and heat can all be turned back into usable energy.


Neighbourhood Satellites Energy Harvests examines the practical as well as theoretical possibilities of an alternative, decentralized supply of energy by asking: How can citizens use these surplus energy supplies? What would local micro-power-networks, where free energy can be collected, distributed and exchanged, look like?

In this workshop we will follow these questions and construct small portable harvesters for light pollution. All materials and tools will be available on site. No prior knowledge required.