Women in tech
Baltan Laboratories
Friday 9:30 – 14:30
Workshopleader: Geraldine Juarez (F.A.T Lab artist)
"Women in Tech" is a concept that has become very popular during the latest boom of the IT industry, to bring attention to th minority of "women in tech". However this almost exclusively focus on women in privileged positions within the tech industry from managers to programmers, overlooking the majority of women within the tech industry which in some part makes up the majority of workers in actual "tech": a massive force of women working in manufacturing and e-waste to make the devices that so called "women in tech" use.
GIFs will be hosted in womenintech.nu
"Women in Tech" is a workshop that aims to bring attention to the other women in tech, using .GIFs and DIY barber polls as distribution mechanism.
The first part of the workshop will be about making gifs. Digging archive.org and youtube to find footage of women in tech working in electronics factories and produce GIFs of the repetitive tasks they perform to create the tech that "women in tech" use. We will publish this on the web.
The second part is to create a DIY Barber Poll. Barber Polls were used to designate male spaces, including barber shops and quietly were appropiated by hair salons, adding female imagery to them to attract clients. A classic case of identity politics. In contrast, Women in Tech polls aim to focus on labour and class politics instead. The images turning inside the lightpolls will be frames from the Women in Tech GIFs. Done in the right way we will be able to see a type of analog animated GIF going on.
Participants: 6-8 max
Requirements: bring your computer.
*This is not a workshop only for women*
Admission: € 5,- (including lunch)
Subscribe by sending an e-mail to info@baltanlaboratories.org
Location: Baltan Laboratories